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When I'm alone
and you're away
I just close my eyes
and I drift away
your warm body
is what I'm without
I just close my eyes
and I dream about

Pretty boys and pretty girls
pretty boys and pretty girls
(when I'm without)
pretty boys
(I dream about)
pretty girls

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Stranges in the night
exchanging glances
but sex is dangerous
I don't take my chances
the boys I meet
say I look lonely
but I just walk on my
because they're only

Pretty boys and pretty girls
pretty boys and pretty girls
(when I'm without)
pretty boys
(I dream about)
pretty girls

In this day and age
in a city full of fear
with you by my side
together we can show we care

Spreading joy to the world
to every boy and every girl

Pretty boys and pretty girls
pretty boys and pretty girls
(what will we show?)
spreading joy
(where will it go?)
to the world

Writer(s): Theodore Joseph Ottaviano

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