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So much time
Is passing us by
And we think we'll make it forever
But we won't
For so long I had hopes
Just to stop
To connect
To be seen
Worthy of your heart

And all I ever wanted
Is for your eyes to shine
When you see me
For who I am
And all I really wanted
Is for you to know me
And be proud of who I am
For who I am

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I always thought
The day will come
And we will wake up
Both, truly wake up
And understand what it means
To be close
And to love each other
And the power that it brings

And all I ever wanted
Is for your eyes to shine
When you see me
For who I am
And all I really wanted
Is for you to know me
And be proud of who I am
For who I am

Writer(s): Raz Nitzan, Dmitry Almazov, Adrian Broekhuyse

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