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Well, all my heroes got tired
And all the days, they got short
Oh, you're the love that I dreamt of
It came to me at my worst

Hey, all the nights I don't remember
Are the ones I can't forget
When all your heroes get tired
I'll be something better yet (hey)

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Well, I remember driving out of this state
Acting like nothing dies
Until somebody had sold us
Somebody sold us all kinds of lies

Hey, all the nights I don't remember
Are the ones I can't forget
When all your heroes get tired
Well, I'll be something better yet (hey)

In the focus, I'll be coming
In the focus, I'll be waiting
In the focus, I'll be dreaming
In the focus, I'll be something better yet

In the focus, I'll be coming
In the focus, I'll be waiting
In the focus, I'll be dreaming
In the focus, I'll be something better yet

In the focus, I'll be coming
In the focus, I'll be waiting
In the focus, I'll be dreaming
In the focus, I'll be something better yet

Thank you guys so much
So-so when you hear the recording of that song "All My Heroes Got Tired"
There's-there's this like low, sort of, Depeche Mode-y arping thing (yeah)
And it's cool, but it's really cool
And that's one thing that thrills me about this experience is, um
Uh, all of us together we get to show you how the songs, um, were created
And then you get to hear how they ended up when-when the album does come out
But um, that's the theory behind making you bag up your cell phones

Writer(s): Jack Antonoff

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