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I was like a satellite across the ocean
Finding its way didn't go back
Not until the rest is gone a path is chosen
And I'm in your hands

So come with me as you are
The wind over old Tarifa wild again
Held in the hand of God
I had a dream that I would take you there

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Under an Atlantic sky I'm crossing over
Lucky as the thousand stars that line overhead
Know they mean the same to me as your devotion
It's all that I have

So come with me as you are
The wind over old Tarifa wild again
Held in the hand of God
I had a dream that I would take you there

So come with me as you are
The wind over old Tarifa wild again
Held in the hand of God
I had a dream that I would take you there
So where does it stop?
All my love is open as a prayer
So is it the one you want
Or is it the one that passes by instead?
I want you by my side

Habrá un mundo nuevo, un mundo lleno de color
Dime que tu vendrás, estaré esperándote yo
Dímelo para tener en el alma el sol de la mañana
Un cielo tan grande que no acabará
Habrá un mundo nuevo
Ya viene el sol
Al fin de un siglo
Ya viene el sol
Al fin de un siglo

Writer(s): Joshua James Edwards, Pilo Adami

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