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True love is not magic
It's certainty
And what comes after certainty?
A world of mystery
I stood on the surf in Kauai
While my love videoed me
On honeymoon
The passenger is the driver in ecstasy
And God's face on the water
Though plain to see
It's still hard to read
Well, I never thought I'd make it this far
Little old house, recent-model car
And I got the woman of my dreams
And an imitation Eames
And I signed Willie's guitar
He sang "Hey good lookin', what you got cookin'?"
And I signed Willie's guitar when he wasn't looking
Well, I don't believe in fate
I believe in destiny
My destiny is swerving in the road in front me, drunkenly
When you take responsibility for your own divinity
True love is not magic
It's certainty
And what comes after certainty?

Writer(s): William Rahr Callahan

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