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Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You


It's a little bit magic
Like a river of morning geese
In the new warm mountain
Where the stone face forms and speaks

I believe in you
Even when you need to

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When the top soil
Is kicking up into the storm
And the dust goes dancing
And a billion planets are born

I believe in you
Even when you need to

Just like that, the moon goes flat
Big lights in the city shine, crying out
Take me to the limits of your love

There's a dragon in thе phone line
Coughing up a mighty flame
With a tonguе of silver, silver
Calling out my oldest name

She says, "Hey, you
Do you remember me too?
We were coiling"

It's a little bit magic
A little bit magic

Writer(s): Adrianne Elizabeth Lenker

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