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You can taste the dishonesty, it's all over your breath
As you pass it off so cavalier, but even that's a test
Constantly aware of it all, my lonely ear
Pressed against the walls of your world

Pray to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me listening
I'm prayin' to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me
I'm prayin' to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me listening
I pray you catch me

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Nothing else ever seems to hurt like the smile on your face
When it's only in my memory, it don't hit me quite the same
Maybe it's a cause for concern, but I'm not at ease
Keeping my head to the curb

Pray to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me listening
I pray to catch you whispering
I pray you catch me
I pray you catch me
Pray you catch me
I'm prayin' you catch me

What are you doing my love?

Writer(s): Kevin Owen Garrett, Beyonce Gisselle Knowles, James Blake Litherlard

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