
Written-By : T. Mosley, Kelly Sheehan, Beyoncé Knowles, Terius Nash, C. Godbey, J. Harmon, D. Pearson, Garland Mosley

Produced by: Timbaland for Timbaland Productions
Co-produced by: Jerome Harmon for Bronze and Brainz/Timbaland Productions and DP for Electriqcity Music
Directed by: Jake Nava

Grown Woman was produced by Timbaland. It was also featured in a 1 minute plus Pepsi commercial which chronological shows past Beyoncé’s success with her current hits, Embrace the Past, Live for Now.
Beyoncé performed “Grown Woman” for the first time in Paris on April 24, 2013 and later permanently included it to the set list for the other stops.
Grown Woman displays a tribal theme-like essence which is powered by African drummings, chanting and Knowles impressive vocal harmonies that she boastful flexes superbly on the track with simple lyrics.

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