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Hey, you've got a lot of nerve to show your face around here
Hey, you've got a lot of nerve to dredge up all my fears
Well I wish I could shake some sense into you, and walk out the door
But your skin is like porcelain
Yeah, your skin is like porcelain

Just the other day I felt, I had you by a string
Just the other day I felt, we could be everything
But now when I see you, you're somebody else
In somebody's eyes,
And your skin is like porcelain
Yeah, your skin is like porcelain

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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I don't know what I'm saying
Well, I don't know if you're there
In the words you are feigning
Do you even care?

Well I wish I could kill you, savor the sight
Get into my car, drive into the night
Then lie as I scream to the heavens above
That I was the last one you ever loved

Yeah, your skin is like porcelain
Yeah, your skin is like porcelain
Yeah, your skin is like porcelain

Writer(s): Kevin M. Griffin

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