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Make a new cult every day to suit your affairs
Kissing girls in English, at the back of the stairs
You're a honey with a following of innocent boys
They never know it because you never show it
You always get your way
They never know it because you never show it
You always get your way

Have you and her been taking pictures of your obsessions?
'Cause I met a boy who went through one of your sessions
In his blue velour and silk you liberated a boy I never rated
And now he's throwing discus for Liverpool and Widnes
You liberated a boy I never rated
And now he's doing business

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The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

Could I write a piece about you now that you've made it?
About the hours spent, the wilderness in your training
You only did it so that you could wear your terry underwear
And feel the city air run past your body
Your terry underwear and feel the city air run past your body

Could I write a requiem for you when you're dead?
"She had the moves, she had the speed, it went to her head"
She never needed anyone to get her round the track
But when she's on her back
She had the knowledge to get her into college
But when she's on her back
She had the knowledge to get her what she wanted

The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field, you are
The stars of track and field are beautiful people

Writer(s): Stuart Murdoch, Christopher Geddes, Michael Cooke, Stephen Jackson, Sarah Martin, Richard Colburn, Isobel Campbell

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