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Jumbo said to say goodnight, see you in the morning
Please don't lose your appetite, he knows who is yawning
Tomorrow you can climb a mountain
Sail a sailboat through a fountain

Jumbo said to say goodnight, he's a friend of yours
Play no games he'd say to me when the light is gone
He is right he'd say to me, we know who is wrong
So please don't make no hesitation
There will be no recreation

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Jumbo said to say goodnight, he's a friend of yours

Listen, you can cheer it if it's loud enough you hear it
'Cause it's louder than a sparrow and it shoots a bow and arrow
Thro' a target full of powder with a gun it's even louder
And it's shattering to hear you mustn't listen with your ear
But it gets to you

Yes, yes, yes, it gets to you
Yes, yes, yes, you
Yes, yes, yes, you
Yes, yes, yes, you
Yes, yes, yes
Yes, yes, yes

Writer(s): Barry Alan Gibb, Robin Hugh Gibb, Maurice Ernest Gibb

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