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Still searching in dark city nights
Unknown places, where should I start
I'm lost and alone in the future world

Out on the streets again, out on my own
Just like always, nowhere to go
Out on the streets again, fighting my war
On the streets where I belong

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I carry an axe on my back
Got no shelter when they attack
I'm waiting prepared in the neon lights

Out on the streets again, out on my own
Just like always, nowhere to go
Out on the streets again, fighting my war
On the streets where I belong

I'm out on the streets in the night
I'm out on the streets in the night
I'm out on the streets in the night

Out on the streets again, out on my own
Just like always, nowhere to go

Out on the streets again, fighting my war
On the streets...

Out on the streets again, out on my own
Just like always, nowhere to go

Out on the streets again, fighting my war
On the streets...

Where I belong
Where I belong

Writer(s): Anton Kabanen

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