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Purple was the first album the band released after a horrific 2012 tour bus accident that mangled the band physically and emotionally. Lead singer John Baizley got the worst of it, nearly losing his left arm, which would have put an end to his guitar playing. In the midst of his long recovery, two of his bandmates who were also injured in the crash - bass player Matt Maggioni and drummer Allen Blickle - left the band.

"If I Have to Wake Up (Would You Stop the Rain?)" finds him coming to terms with the tragedy and returning to music. He explained in Entertainment Weekly: "It's about that moment directly after the crash. I was broken and twisted and covered in gasoline, and then there's a torrential downpour. The only thing that kept me going were those people and my family and their love and support. I have no better way of thanking people than through that song."

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