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One, two, one, two, three

And I'm not so innocent
When the sun touched your lips
Summertime is coming fast
And our secret's not built to last

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And if your words were like the rain
That falls from so far up in space
Then I'm the chalk left on the pavement
By the morning, I could fade away
Or I'm the clothes left on the line under a storm in June
Or I'm the lightning of July 'cause I got this whole thing for you

Hanging out, we're hanging on
You roll my world 'round in your palm
'Cause every time I'd try to say it
I let the chalk lines run like paint

And if your words were like the rain
That falls from so far up in space
And I'm the chalk left on the pavement
By the morning, I could fade away
Or I'm the clothes left on the line under a storm in June
No, I'm the lightning of desire 'cause I got this whole thing for you

Born in Cancer just like you
We're fearsome 'cause we're passing through

Writer(s): Baird Robert Wittner Acheson

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