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Birds sing and doorbells ring in answer
People say it's a lovely day outside
I don't mind, I've got my way of living
Even if it's only for the ride

I don't mind if people find me lazy
I could say it's only for the fun
Step inside, let's see if I can make you
After all it's only just begun

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You don't know me
What's on my mind
And you can't show me
What I can't find

Days, nights, alright, it's easy
Spending time and making rhymes for you
I don't mind, I've got my way of giving
Even if it's all I ever do

Step inside, let's see if I can make you
Even if it's only for the ride

You don't know me
What's on my mind
And you can't show me
What I can't find

Writer(s): Thomas Evans, Joey Molland

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