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You break, you mend, blend in with the madness
You try to love again, 'cause what else could happen?
You're trapped at the bottom of your wishing well, buried underneath the wealth
Penny after penny, reaching for a hand to pull you out, and then

You wake up to sirens and quakes in your bed
Searching for something to push you through the day
Aching for meds that could take the pain away
Every second, every day (you're waiting for the)

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Day to come when they will notice (it's time to wake up now)
Fighting battles at your lowest (your fire is dying out)
Dragging every step forward (but it won't happen again)
And I'm not gonna pretend (I don't want the money)

(Want the money)

Can't say I'm mad, this is entertainment
But I want what they have, and I'm gonna take it
And I'm so sorry if I'm cynical, my water's full of chemicals
I don't know what I'm made of anymore

You wake up to sirens and quakes in your bed
Searching for something to push you through the day
Aching for meds that could take the pain away
Every second, every day (you're waiting for the)

Day to come when they will notice (it's time to wake up now)
Fighting battles at your lowest (your fire is dying out)
Dragging every step forward (but it won't happen again)
And I'm not gonna pretend (I don't want the money)

Want the money

Want the money

It's time to wake up now, your fire is dying out
But it won't happen again
And I'm not gonna pretend
(I'm waiting for the)

Day to come when they will notice (it's time to wake up now)
Fighting battles at your lowest (your fire is dying out)
Dragging every step forward (but it won't happen again)
And I'm not gonna pretend (I don't want the money)

Want it, I want it all
Want it, I want it all

Writer(s): Joakim Oskar Patrick Karlsson, Noah Sebastian Davis

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