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Down in a hole
I found a damn good believer
He said: Listen up, son
You see, my head's a receiver
Stay off the path
Make sure you're under the radar
They know where you live
You're up against your redeemer

Well, they stole it all away
They know you well
And you gave them all you had
To show and tell
Someday you're gonna give yourself away
Someday you're gonna give yourself

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Save me a line
I need a quick reliever
All of your lies
You made me a believer

Cold and alone
Well I've been sold down the river
You promised us gold
It is about time you delivered

Well, they stole it all away
They know you well
And you gave them all you had
You gave your life away

Well, they stole it all away
They know you well
And you gave them all you had
To show and tell

Well, you gave it all away
Well, you gave it all away
For show and tell

Someday you're gonna give yourself
Someday you're gonna
Someday you're gonna give yourself away

Writer(s): Arve Isdal, Thomas Tofthagen, Espen Lien, Torkjell Rod, Kjetil Greve

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