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In the far-off
Blueness of the falling night
A fox, a squirrel,
Bouncing out of sight
In the far-off
Vastness of the pallid sky
Silently, the sun took a bow
And winked goodbye

So where do you go when the day is closed
Only the forest knows
So where do you go when the day is closed
Only the forest knows

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Streaks of twilight
Painted by a broom in flight
A witch and her kitty cat
In the blink of an eye
Holding onto
The last grains of scattered light
Tracing breadcrumbs counting tree stumps
Waltzing home on time

So where do you go when the day is closed
Only the forest knows
So where do you go when the day is closed
Only the forest knows

Holding onto
The last grains of scattered light
Tracing breadcrumbs counting tree stumps
Waltzing home on time

Writer(s): april lee, ricks ang

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