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Girl there is nothing to please
Can't you just lay by my side
Isn't it easy to see how I'm mistaken, my pride
Must be somewhere else
When this whole world under 1000 degrees
Baked till the earth was alight
Cowards who run to the sea
Just leaving me burning alive
With this whole fucking world

And if you don't know just how
This place came to burn and sink down
With hot lead already buried in my crown
They melted me down
I must be from some kind of worth

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And if you don't know just how
This place came to burn and sink down
With hot lead already buried in my crown
They melted me down
Must be from out of this earth

Play your games and other things
Little things go wrong
Play your games

This slumped slacker seen better days
His lovers parted lips had parted ways
She still had a vital part to play
Looking for that darker shade
Picking up, bathed in his aftershave
He wants to be discreet, but can't help feel the mark he placed
Upon his head, the masquerade
Yo he can be seen in the masquerade
Girl, he can be seen from these darker days
He can be seen from the masquerade
Girl, he can be seen from these darker days
He can be seen from these darker days
He can be seen...

Writer(s): Archie Marshall

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