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I guess we'll have to move
The neighborhood is on to us

Let's join the little babe's
Throwing rocks in front of us

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Riding on my bicycle
I pass my sister on a bus
Let's take the country road before our parents send for us

Trees keep falling at my feet
I guess it's time out build a boat
Make a raft of our bodies
Do you think that it'll float
What I said was not a joke
But you just licked the envelope
I'm tired of dating, let's elope
But you just licked the envelope

Three cheers for my parents
Lonely failed experiments!
Three cheers for my parents
Lonely failed experiments!

Don't you dare blame my parents
I'm the only failed experiment
Don't you dare blame your parents
You're the only failed experiment
Don't you dare blame your grandparents
Mom's the only failed experiment
Don't you dare blame your grandparents
Dad's the only failed experiment
Don't blame God
Just blame God
Don't blame God

Writer(s): Win Butler, Regine Chassagne

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