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Hooray for Hollywood
That screwy bally hooey Hollywood
Where any office boy or young mechanic can be all panic
With just a good-looking pan
And any barmaid can be a star made
If she dances with or without a fan

Hooray for Hollywood
Where you're terrific, if you're even good
Where anyone at all from Sophie Lauren to Maam Van Doren
Is equally understood
Go out and try your luck, you might be Donald Duck
Hooray for Hollywood

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Hooray for Hollywood
That screwy hooey gooey Hollywood
Where any office boy or young mechanic can be all panic
With just a good-looking pan
And any barmaid can be a star made
If she dances with or without a fan

Hooray for Hollywood
You may be homely in your neighborhood
But if you think that you can be an actor, go see Max Factor
He'll make your, eh, kisser look good
He'll send you off in space, you'll dig this crazy blaze
Oh, stay in Hollywood

Writer(s): John T. Williams, Richard A Whiting

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