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Any place, anytime
You could be mine
Any night, any day
Anything we say

Anything we say
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
We can just get away
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
If they all look away

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Any place, anytime
Anything we like
Any price, any cars
Anything we want

Anything we want
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
We can just get away
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
If they all look away
Only if they look away

So let's look at this hand but
Not at this one
So let's look at this hand but
Not at what we've done
So let's look at this hand but
Not at this one
So let's look at this hand but
Not at this one

You can get away with that
I can get away with it
We can just get away
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
If they all look away
Only if they look away

You can get away with that
I can get away with it
We can just get away
Only if they look away
You can get away with that
I can get away with it
If they all look away
Only if they look away

Writer(s): Ian Kellett, Geoffrey Lea, Richard Sauberlich, David Crombie

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