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Down by the seashore
The waves are bigger than normal
I asked you if I could flicker out
You say, don't think so
I just want you to believe
Even though I know it's impossible for me

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

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Down by the seashore
I'll say it's the spray
I'm not crying
Such a little thing, anyway

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

All I wanted was for you to believe
All I wanted was for you to believe
All I wanted was for you to believe in me
All I wanted was

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

There goes another day
Don't suppose I'll come out to play with you
I'll just sit at home
Write another song about how I wanted to

Writer(s): Angus Stone, Julia Stone

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