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Out on the water, where you're gonna find me
All alone with with my mind, headed for a bounty
I've been living so long all by myself
I can't think of living with anybody else
I'm an oyster pearl's locked up in a shell
You better bring that diving bell, oh

But I want you near
I wanna whisper to your ear
Wanna hold your hand
I wanna be your man, alright

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Out on the river, where you're gonna find me
All alone with my thoughts, headed for a bounty
I've been living so long in a habitat
Where the land's mighty rocky but the river stays flat
Can you show me something make me part with that, oh no

But I want you near
I wanna whisper to your ear
Wanna hold your hand
I wanna be your man

I'm gonna get you girl
Like I got you
Wrap you up in paper, bite you
You're the pretty little thing that I've gotta have
'Cause I want it

Writer(s): Pedrum Siadatian, Daniel Dunham, Miles Michaud, Matthew Correia

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