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Another day losing sleep over bad nights
Know you hate feeling pulled by the wrong tides
Put the weight of the world on my shoulders

I'll be your reason (I'll be your reason)
You're running to better (you're running to better)
When you're under pressure
When things get too heavy, leave it to me (leave it to me)

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If you're ready
Don't keep your feelings to yourself
If you let me
I'll treasure all the things you tell
If you let me, if you let me

When you're lost and you're searching for meaning
Hope you find all the things you've been needing
Let it go, it's behind you
Know I'm right beside you if you go

I'll be your reason (I'll be your reason)
You're running to better (you're running to better)
When you're under pressure
When things get too heavy, leave it to me (leave it to me)

If you're ready
Don't keep your feelings to yourself
If you let me
I'll treasure all the things you tell
If you let me, if you let me

If you let me

Writer(s): Hayley Penner, Alina Baraz, Spencer Stewart, Jakob Rabitsch

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