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I love my father and I love him well
I hope to see him someday soon
I love my father and I love him well
I hope to see him someday soon

'Cause where I live, it gets dark at night
The kind of dark eats up the light
Yeah, where I live, it gets dark at night
The kind of dark eats up the light
And you know that, mother, I'd be lying
If I didn't tell you I'm afraid of night

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And as I dream I'm falling down
The world moves without a sound
I'm lost as sure as I was found
The sun comes up without a sound

So I'll up and face another day
And I hope that kindness comes your way
Yeah, I'll up and face another day
And I hope that kindness comes your way

This for you I pray

I pray for you today

And in the morning I'll be gone
Wherefore and to cannot be told
Yes, in the morning I'll be gone
Wherefore and to cannot be told
A mind filled with memories
Weigh me down like gold

I love my father and I love him well
I hope to see him someday soon
I love my father and I love him well
I hope to see him someday soon

Writer(s): Alexi Murdoch

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