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When the bite of the steel catches your face
Give it all your flesh to strip away
Revealing all the scars you hide inside
Your inner quarrels, your struggle to survive

A crimson hand to choke your throat
I'll stop your breath as long as it takes
To end this torture, clearing a forest of oppression
Can you taste the soil as it fills your lungs?

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To extinguish the fire, the fire burning in your eyes

We'll lay you down on your eternal bed
The soothing touch of a wrathful hand
You leave the sky, encased in the earth
Can you feel the roots as they seep inside your heart?

A crimson hand to do the will of god
We'll wipe you out to clear the land for angels
With the turning of the tide

Writer(s): Anthony Philip Notarmoso, Justin Alister Lowe, Lerichard Richard Foral, Trent Robert Hafdahl, Daniel Charles Carle

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