
  • Czas trwania


I wanna see you smile and let me be your funny boy
I am just a man falling in love
Oh, I woke up this morning with you in my bed
Then my head was flying like a bird
And I believe, that love is always sick
You saw me with a girl, but she wasn't you
Baby, I want, to swim inside your blue
Oh, I am just a fool, that think that this is true

Hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you when you're not around
Hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you

I've been waiting for this moment all my life
I think I finally found the one
I love every part, yeah, every part of you
And I wanna be there 'til the end
'Cause you make me feel like I've never felt before
I got butterflies
Yeah, you make me feel like I've never felt before
I think I love you

So hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you when you're not around
Hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you
So hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you when you're not around
Hold me closer, hold me closer
'Cause I miss you

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