
  • Data wydania

    22 marca 2009

  • Czas trwania

    14 utworów

01. Age of the Platypus
02. Turnaround feat. Warrior Queen
03. Root to the Fruit feat. Wildchild
04. Certified Organic feat. Sadat X
05. Momentum feat. kidkanevil & Bonobo
06. Move Like This feat. DJ Vadim & Mattic
07. 9-fiddy Number feat. Fredo
08. Vanilla Phillie feat. Stab (Berry Weight)
09. Guaranteed feat. Wax Tailor
10. Transatlantic feat. Maanumental GP
11. Worldwide
12. Boom to the Bap
13. Righteous Swords
14. Simile Soliloquy

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