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December ain't cold at all this year in Florida
But I'm still chilled to the bone
The mind plays tricks this time of year in Florida
It's not the time to be alone

I feel the less you love the less you feel alive
I feel to understand it starts from the inside
And I feel that patience is a lesson learned in time
To be good with your own life's to be good with mine

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Time stands still this time of year in Florida
The only time I feel at home
The neighborhood kids run down the road in Florida
It's got me scared I'll missed the boat

I feel the less you love the less you feel alive
I feel to understand it starts from the inside
And I feel that patience is a lesson learned in time
To be good with your own life's to be good with mine
To be good with your own life's to be good with mine

I always knew that I would leave
But I didn't think it'd change a part of me
Can't get back to who I was back then (who I was back then)
Feels wrong to shut that out
Seems wrong to pretend

I feel the less you love the less you feel alive
I feel to understand it starts from the inside
And I feel that patience is a lesson learned in time
To be good with your own life's to be good with mine

To be good with your own life's to be good with mine

Writer(s): Jeremy Mckinnon, Kevin Skaff, Neil Westfall

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