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First stone for ...
Second stone for ...
Third stone for ...
Fourth stone for the defile

Fifth stone for ...
Sixth stone for ...
Seventh stone for ...
At the heap of the defile

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar
I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar

First stone for ...
Second stone for ...
Third stone for ...
Fourth stone for the defile

Fifth stone for ...
Sixth stone for ...
Seventh stone for ...
At the heap of the defile

I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar
I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar

I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar
I'm throwing rocks at the devil, seven for each pillar

Writer(s): Nernes Kjetil

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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