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Lip 6

Bloc 2012


Występuje Orbital, Actress oraz 90 wykonawców więcej w London Pleasure Gardens

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Piątek 6 Lipiec 2012Sobota 7 Lipiec 2012


London Pleasure Gardens
North Woolwich Road, London, E16 2BU, United Kingdom

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We are currently gathering information about Friday night's events. We are also working to ensure that everyone will be refunded for their tickets. Please bear with us while we do this.

Thanks to all of you, as well as the many artists and crew who travelled across the world to come to Bloc - we are so sorry that we couldn't deliver the experience we had planned.

And thanks so much to the event control, security, stewards, police and public who worked together to ensure that no one came to harm during the peaceful evacuation. This is far and away the most important result of the night.

For those of you who are frustrated and angry - we hear you. For those sending love and support - thank you.

More news soon.

The Bloc team x

Występuje (92)

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470 wybrało się

351 zainteresowanych


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