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Mar 21

Elite Dark Metal Evening II

Występuje Agalloch oraz Alcest w The Silver Church Club

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Niedziela 21 Marzec 2010Niedziela 21 Marzec 2010


The Silver Church Club
Calea Plevnei Nr. 61, Bucharest, Romania

Tel: 0733.106.064


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Pentru prima data in istoria evenimentelor Kogaionon & DonisArt, organizatorii incearca sa promoveze un nou concept, Seara Speciala sa fie acum alcatuita din doua parti distincte, obiectivul final fiind cel de a creiona complet imaginea trupei favorite, prin doua concerte consecutive in doua zile, diferite atat ca forma cat si ca fond. De aceea si ELITE DARK METAL EVENING va fi structurata in doua parti…

Una dintre cele mai respectate, apreciate si longevive trupe din intreaga scena Dark Metal americana este, incontestabil, AGALLOCH. A inceput sa cante la putin dupa ce trupe ca PARADISE LOST, ANATHEMA, MY DYING BRIDE, IN THE WOODS… loveau scena Metal cu debuturi remarcabile. Cu un statut mai degraba Cult decat Underground, fiind prima trupa de pe acest continent ce a promovat Dark Metal-ul, cvartetul de pe coasta de nord-vest nu cauta prea des oportunitati de a canta live, din mai multe considerente, insa, de fiecare data cand o face, audienta ramane ravasita de prestatia scenica! Anul acesta a sustinut un turneu de doar cateva concerte in Europa, alaturi de DORNENREICH, turneu in urma caruia trupa si-a castigat un numar important de noi fani, pe cei vechi lasandu-i fara cuvinte! AGALLOCH continua sa ramana una dintre cele mai interesante trupe Metal de pe mapamond, cu o abordare originala, tehnicitate remarcabila si un mod de exprimare muzical selectiv, ignorand total cantitatea in favoarea calitatii…

Istoria discografica a trupei este destul de limitata in ciuda celor 13 ani de activitate, in sensul ca pana astazi au doar 3 albume de studio si mai multe EP-uri plus MCD-uri. “Pale Folklore” (1999), “The Mantle” (2002) si “Ashes Against The Grain” (2006) sunt bijuteriile Metal scoase la cunoscutul label american The End Records, albume de referinta pentru orice iubitor de acorduri Metal avantgardistice: de la Progressive Black si Atmospheric Doom Death Metal pana la Experimental, Post Rock, Folk, Ambient sau Industrial, cu multe treceri Wave, dominate de o aura Dark epica melancolica desavarsita. Cu radacini din ULVER, SWANS, SOL INVICTUS, IN THE WOODS…, BATHORY, FORGOTTEN WOODS, DARK THRONE, BURZUM, KATATONIA, GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR sau EMPYRIUM, AGALLOCH a devenit astazi o trupa de inspiratie pentru noul val de proiecte Black Metal, FEN sau WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM putand fi doar doua exemple. John Haughm (g,v), Don Anderson (g), Jason Walton (b) si Aesop (dr) sunt incantati sa vina pentru prima data in Europa de Est, acestia urmand sa zboare cateva mii de km doar pentru a canta si vizita Romania. Ei vor sustine doua concerte diferite, atat ca lungime cat si ca structura conceptuala, in cele doua parti, astfel:

- BRASOV, Sambata, 20 MARTIE 2010, Centrul Cultural REDUTA, orele 19.00 (Part I)

- BUCURESTI, Duminica, 21 MARTIE 2010, THE SILVER CHURCH, orele 19.00 (Part II)

Seara de 20 martie din Brasov va fi dedicata exclusiv trupei AGALLOCH printr-un concert UNICAT in istoria trupei, de peste 2 ore, in care cei patru ne vor arata diferenta clara dintre un concert clasic AGALLOCH si unul SPECIAL, datorita faptului ca vor canta, pe langa cele mai reprezentative secvente din intreaga discografie, si noi piese, in premiera, la care acum lucreaza, dar si datorita videoproiectiilor selecte, plus diverse ritualuri ce au legatura cu semantica termenului agalloch… Data nu a fost aleasa intamplator, daca tinem cont ca 20 martie coincide cu echinoctiul de primavara, deci va fi o seara cu totul speciala si pentru membrii trupei.. va fi si seara fanilor AGALLOCH, ce va avea loc intr-o locatie eleganta, confortabila, cu o sonorizare si acustica foarta buna, o locatie perfecta pentru a rezona cu atmosfera si conceptul AGALLOCH!

A doua zi, in Bucuresti, trupa AGALLOCH va sustine un concert de cca 70 de minute, un concert clasic Metal pentru ea, asemanator cu ceea ce a cantat si in turneul european din acest an.

In deschidere, va urca pe scena o trupa respectata de multi fani al noului val Black Shoegaze Metal, dar care nu a fost vazuta pe scena pana in acest moment, intitulata ALCEST. Primul album, realizat in 2007 si intitulat “Souvenirs d’un Autre Monde“, a aratat un nou mod de exprimare in scena Metal, original si controversat datorita mixului de sunet Cold Raw Black Metal cu acorduri melancolice, nostalgice, foarte melodioase dar si elemente vizibile Shoegaze. Liderul trupei, Neige (MORTIFERA, AMESOEURS, FORGOTTEN WOODS, PESTE NOIR, PHEST, LANTLOS, VALFUNDE), este unul dintre cei mai activi muzicieni din underground-ul Metal francez, care a schimbat complet orientarea acestui grup, initial un trio adept al unui Raw Black Metal agresiv, apoi ca proiect solo, promotor al unui sunet Cold Melancholic Black Metal si realizatorul unui EP excelent, “Le Secret”. Albumul din 2007 ne prezinta un sound modern, avand la baza un Dark Black Metal ritmat, melancolic, plin de nostalgie, cu elemente Shoegaze, Post Rock, dar si cu o voce masculina extrem de calda, intrerupta de cateva pasaje cu voce feminina. Dupa 10 ani de la infiintare, ALCEST a devenit un nume foarte apreciat de fanii Metal-lui nonconformist, nume care reuseste sa-si contureze un stil propriu, foarte inteligent structurat, care penduleaza intre SIGUR ROS si SHINING si care a devenit reper pentru zeci de trupe noi ce au creat deja un nou curent avantagardist, mai melodic, mai ritmat, dar cu accent pe teme ca melancolie, nostalgie, romantism, disperare, singuratate! Cel de-al doilea album ALCEST a fost terminat zilele acestea si va aparea oficial la inceputul lui 2010 la Prophecy Productions, Neige urmand sa vina la Bucuresti impreuna cu alti trei muzicieni pentru a-si promova noile piese.

Asocierea AGALLOCH cu ALCEST nu este intamplatoare si probabil ca cei ce stiu ce canta acesti muzicieni cunosc mult mai multe detalii… De asemenea si sala The Silver Church este una eleganta iar trupele vor beneficia si aici de o acustica impecabila!

Elite Dark Metal Evening (part I&II) se adreseaza celor ce apreciaza aceste trupe, trupe care vin special la Brasov si Bucuresti pentru cei ce respecta si doresc sa mentina spiritul underground Metal pur! In acest sens si trupele vor aduce cu ele diverse accesorii muzicale originale, unele in editie limitata, altele facute exclusiv pentru acest eveniment! Pretul unui bilet este:

-30 lei pentru Brasov
-45 lei pentru Bucuresti

Acestea se pot cumpara din Reteaua Diverta, www.ticketpoint.ro, www.letsrock.ro/bestial (Titus), www.beautyofpain.ro, www.myticket.ro sau la intrare, in seara evenimentului. Deoarece atat dorinta organizatorilor cat si a muzicienilor este ca o mare parte din audienta sa participe la ambele parti din Elite Dark Metal Evening (inclusiv membrii ALCEST vor fi prezenti in sala Reduta din Brasov), se ofera oportunitatea de a achizitiona abonament la pret special, de 60 lei, suma ce va fi platita la intrare in Sala Reduta (Brasov), in seara de 20 martie. Doar de acolo se vor putea achizitiona aceste abonamente sau se pot face si rezervari la adresa de email: kogaiononmagazine@gmail.com.

Informatii, video oficial AGALLOCH gasiti mai jos:


Informatii ALCEST:


…underground will never die!


For the first time in the history of Kogaionon & DonisArt events, the organizers are trying to promote a new concept, The Special Evening now consisting of 2 distinct parts, the final outcome being that of fully sketching the image of the favorite band through the means of 2 consecutive concerts over a period of two days, different in form as well as in substance. Therefore ELITE DARK METAL EVENING will be structured in two parts…

One of the most respected, appreciated and long-lasting bands from the American stage of Dark Metal is, undoubtedly AGALLOCH. It started performing shortly after other bands like PARADISE LOST, ANATHEMA, MY DYING BRIDE and IN THE WOODS hit the Metal scene with remarkable debuts. With more of a Cult status rather than Underground, being the first band on this continent that has promoted Dark Metal, the North-West coast quartet does not usually look for the opportunity to sing live, due to various reasons, although every time they do it, the audience is left in awe by the scenic performance! This year the band was on a tour that had only a few concerts in Europe, alongside DORNENREICH, gaining a significant number of new fans, leaving the older ones simply speechless! AGALLOCH continues to hold its position among the most interesting Metal bands worldwide with an original approach, remarkable technicality, and highly selective ways of musical expression, meanwhile totally ignoring quantity for quality...

The bands discography is pretty limited despite its 13 years of activity, meaning that until now they’ve only got 3 studio albums and multiple EP’s plus M-CD’s. ‘Pale Folklore’ (1999), ‘The Mantle’ (2002), and ‘Ashes Against The Grain’ (2006) are pure Metal jewels put out by the well-known American label The End Record, albums of reference for any fan of avant-garde Metal cords: from Progressive Black and Atmospheric Doom Death Metal to Experimental, Post Rock, Folk, Ambient or Industrial, with several passing through Wave, dominated by the epic, melancholic, distinguished Dark aura. With roots set in ULVER, SWANS, SOL INVICTUS, IN THE WOODS, BATHORY, FORGOTTEN WOODS, DARK THRONE, BURZUM, KATATONIA, GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR or EMPYRIUM, AGALLOCH has become nowadays an inspirational band for every new wave of Black Metal projects, FEN or WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM being merely two examples.

John Haughm (g.v.), Don Anderson (g), Jason Walton (b) and Aesop (dr) are delighted to come to Eastern Europe for the first time, flying thousands of kilometers just to play and visit Romania. They will perform in two concerts, different not only in length but also in their conceptual structure, throughout the two parts as follows:

- BRASOV, Saturday, MARCH 20th, 2010, Centrul Cultural REDUTA, at 7pm (Part I)

- BUCURESTI, Sunday, MARCH 21st, 2010, THE SILVER CHURCH, at 7pm (Part II)

The night of March 20th that will take place in Brasov will be dedicated exclusively to AGALLOCH through an UNIQUE concert in the history of the band, a concert that will be over 2 hours long, when the four members will show the clear-cut distinction between a classical AGALLOCH concert and a special one, due to the fact that they will perform, among some of the most representative sequences in their discography, some premiering new tracks on which they are currently working, but also due to some select video-projections, plus some rituals that have links to the semantics of the term agalloch… The date was not chosen at random either, if we take into account that the 20th of March coincides with the Spring Equinox, therefore it will be a special night also for the band members, it will be a night for the AGALLOCH fans, which will take place in an elegant, comfortable setting, with very good sound-systems and acoustics, a perfect setting reasoning with the AGALLOCH concept and atmosphere. In the second date, in Bucharest, AGALLOCH will hold a concert of little over 70 minutes, a classical Metal gig similar to the performances of their 2009 European tour.

The opening act brings to the stage a band respected by many fans of the new wave Black Shoegaze Metal, but which has never been seen on stage until this moment, namely ALCEST. Their first album recorded in 2007 with name ‘Souvenirs d’un Autre Monde’ has shown a new way of expression in the Metal scene, both original and controversial due to the sound mix of Cold Raw Black Metal with melancholic, nostalgic and highly harmonious string-sets, but also visible Shoegaze elements. Band leader, Neige (MORTIFERA, AMESOEURS, FORGOTTEN WOODS, PESTE NOIR, PHEST, LANTLOS, VALFUNDE), is one of the most active musicians from the French Underground Metal, which completely changed the musical orientation of this group, initially a trio advocate to an aggressive Raw Black Metal, then – as a solo project – a promoter of a Cold Melancholic Black Metal sound and the maker of an excellent EP, ‘Le Secret’. The 2007 album brings out a modern sound, based on a melancholic, nostalgic, rhythmic Dark Black Metal with Shoegaze elements, Post Rock, but also an extremely kind male voice, interrupted throughout some passages by a female voice. After 10 years, ALCEST has become a highly appreciated name among the nonconformist Metal fans, name which is able to sketch its own style, intelligently structured, pending between SIGUR ROS and SHINING and which has become a ground-point for tens of new bands that have already created a new avant-garde wave, more melodic, more rhythmical, but with stress on themes such as melancholy, nostalgia, romance, desperation and loneliness! The second ALCEST album has just been finished and it will be officially out at the beginning of 2010 at Prophecy Productions, Neige coming to Bucharest with three other musicians in order to promote the new tracks.

The joining of AGALLOCH with ALCEST was not at random and probably the ones who know the works of these musicians are aware of the details. Furthermore, The Silver Church hall is a very elegant location and the bands will also benefit of impeccable acoustics!

Elite Dark Metal Evening (part I & II) is addressed to those who appreciate these bands who are coming to Brasov and Bucharest especially for the people who respect and want to keep the spirit of Underground Metal pure! In this respect, the bands will bring different original music accessories, some on a limited edition, others made exclusively for this event!

Ticket charges are:

-30 lei for Brasov
-45 lei for Bucuresti

Tickets can be purchased from Diverta network, www.ticketpoint.ro, www.letsrock.ro/bestial (Titus), www.beautyofpain.ro, www.myticket.ro or at the entrance on the night of the event.

Because the organizers and musicians wish the majority of the audience to participate in both parts of the Elite Dark Metal Evening (including the members of ALCEST who will be present at the Reduta hall in Brasov), there is the opportunity of buying a season ticket at the special price of 60 lei, which will be paid at the entrance of the Reduta Hall (Brasov), on the night of March 20th. The season tickets can be purchased ONLY at this location, or reservations can be made at the following e-mail address: kogaiononmagazine@gmail.com

Information, official AGALLOCH videos are found here:


Information on ALCEST:


…underground will never die!

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