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Kwi 20

Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert

Z Annie Lennox, Axl Rose oraz 43 wykonawców więcej w Wembley Stadium

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Poniedziałek 20 Kwiecień 1992


Wembley Stadium
Empire Way, London, United Kingdom


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When Queen's frontman Freddie Mercury succumbed to AIDS in 1991 it was a blow to the music world, and it ended a 20 year legacy. However, as Freddie was never one to do things by half-measures, the surviving members of Queen decided to give him the biggest sendoff in history. The result was a massive charity (for the Mercury-Phoenix Trust AIDS foundation) concert that took place at Wembley Stadium, England. Some of the biggest names in music came to perform, everyone from Elton John,George Michael and David Bowie to Spinal Tap, Guns N' Roses and Metallica. The concert was divided into two sections: the bands played their own songs in the first half, and then the superstars joined Queen onstage to perform Queen's greatest hits. A tremendous concert for all those involved. Music from the 60's to the 90's is played, so it has something for everyone. This concert helps the legend of Freddie Mercury live on.

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