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Sie 11

The Spring Standards CD Release Show with The Spinto Band

Z The Spinto Band w World Cafe Live at the Queen

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Sobota 11 Sierpień 2012 o 20:00


World Cafe Live at the Queen
500 North Market St., Wilmington, DE, 19801, United States


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With an emphasis on three-part harmony and a variety of instrumental switching, The Spring Standards are an energetic force circling over a rock n' roll sound with a country aftertaste. The band is preparing to release their new record, yellow//gold, consisting of two emotionally-charged EPs that tell intertwining stories of growing up and leaving home to embark on a new adventure. yellow evokes a sense of nostalgia for the trio's shared childhoods—they started playing folk music together as teenagers in the rural landscapes of the Pennsylvania/Delaware border— while gold is a declaration of young life in a big city, bursting with energy. Flush with rolling piano, wistful strings and brittle to booming percussion the yellow//gold double-disc record is due out May 1st on Parachute Shooter Records.

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