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Lip 28

Mozart Mass in C minor, CPE Bach Magnificat, JS Bach Nun danket alle Gott

Z Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Wells Cathedral

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Sobota 28 Lipiec 2012 o 19:00


Wells Cathedral
Wells, Somerset, United Kingdom

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Saturday 28 July 2012
Wells Cathedral, 7pm

Mozart: Mass in C minor
CPE Bach: Magnificat
JS Bach: Nun danket alle Gott

Somerset Chamber Choir
Southern Sinfonia
Mary Bevan - soprano
Ruth Jenkins - soprano
Katie Bray - mezzo-soprano
Nicholas Mulroy - tenor
Benjamin Bevan - baritone
Graham Caldbeck - conductor

Mozart's 'Great' Mass in C minor is recognised as one of the choral masterpieces of the classical period ('the grandest of all of Mozart's mass settings' The Guardian) and will be heard here following a piece of baroque perfection - JS Bach's cantata Nun danket alle Gott, and providing a bridge between the two, CPE Bach's Magnificat of 1739 (Mozart said of CPE Bach 'He is the father, we are the children').

A grand tour of 18th Century choral masterpieces in the stunning setting of Wells Cathedral:

Tickets: £14 & £10 (children/full-time students half-price) available from Taunton TIC (01823 336344), online at www.somersetchamberchoir.org.uk or at the door on concert night

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Johann Sebastian Bach MOZART: Mass in C Minor, 'Great Mass' / Kyrie in D Minor

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