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Mar 20

Man WIth A Movie Camera

Z In the Nursery w Tricycle Theatre

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Wtorek 20 Marzec 2012 o 20:30


Tricycle Theatre
269 Kilburn High Road, London, NW6 7JR, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 20 7328 1000


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Dziga Vertov / USSR / 1929

IN THE NURSERY's score utilises the latest music technology to create a syncopated and alluring soundtrack that embraces the progressive film-making of director Vertov.

"In The Nursery's music adds a contemporary feel to a film whose joyous celebrations of modernity in all its forms still seems fresh".

Phil Johnson - The Independent on Sunday

'Man With a Movie Camera' is a kaleidoscopic city symphony which celebrates the sensory bombardment of 20th-century life, and stands as an experiment in conveying visual phenomena without the aid of titles... scenario... or theatre.

The film, with live accompaniment by IN THE NURSERY, received its premiere at the Bradford International Film Festival March 1999 and was followed by a National Cinema Tour during March & April.

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