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Mar 1

Chart Ruse #1 - Edinburgh Launch

Z Withered Hand, The Pictish Trail oraz the second hand marching band w The Caves

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Czwartek 1 Marzec 2012 o 20:00


The Caves
8-12 Niddry Street South, Edinburgh, EH1 1NS, United Kingdom

Tel: 0131 557 8989

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Withered Hand (full band) + The Pictish Trail (full band)

+ support from Second Hand Marching Band + Fence DJ's

@ THE CAVES, Edinburgh (Niddry Street South, just off the Cowgate).

8pm until 1am.

We're going back to The Caves - with Withered Hand's first full band show of 2012! It's a double headliner, with Pictish Trail on just before - and Second Hand Marching Band opening the night. We'll have Fence DJ's spinning until 1am, an' aw!

Tickets are £10. If you order from the Fence Records webshop, there is a £1.50 postage fee, and if you buy from Avalanche Records there is a £1.50 booking fee.


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