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Piątek 25 Luty 2011 o 20:30


Vortex Jazz Club
11 Gillett Square, London, N16 8AZ, United Kingdom

Tel: 0207 254 4097


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Saxophonist Gilad Atzmon’s music draws on jazz, electronica, Arabic music and the urban sounds of the 21st century, shifting between jazz-noir, catchy world grooves and hard-blowing heavy metal bebop.

Featuring ensemble members Frank Harrison (piano, keys and electronics), Yaron Stavi (bass) and newcomer Eddie Hick (drums), the band has been described as ‘...one of the most uncontrivedly versatile and unequivocally entertaining jazz units currently operating in the UK’ (Chris Parker).

This is the last 10th anniversary show before their European tour.

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