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Wrz 16

Girl Talk

Z Girl Talk w McDonald Theatre

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Środa 16 Wrzesień 2009 o 20:00


McDonald Theatre
1010 Willamette St, Eugene, 97401, United States

Tel: (541) 345-4442 ext 2


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GIRL TALK will perform in the Historic McDonald Theatre on Wednesday, September 16 , 2009. Produced by Kesey Enterprises and Double Tee Concerts.

Tickets on sale NOW online at McDonald Theatre Will Call Ticketing and at all Safeway TicketsWest outlets for $15 in advance. Advance tickets day of show at all Safeway TicketsWest outlets will cost $15.

If not sold out, tickets will also be available at the McDonald Theatre Box Office day of show for $18 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Doors open at 8 p.m. Show starts at 9 p.m.

The general admission limited seating dance hall concert is open to all ages.

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