
is a norwegian band consisting of following members:

Jaran Hereid: Vocals

Ole Håkon Steffensen: Guitar, keyboard, backing vocals

Magnus Rundhaug: Bass, backing vocals

Bjørn Ognøy: Guitars, backing vocals

Aleksander "Polly" Hansen: Drums

Linn Sofie Hagen Olsen: Trumpet

Frode Sjo: Percussion

Helene Nes: Backing vocals, trumpet

uknown at time of being: Trumpet

uknown at time of being: Trumpet

uknown at time of being: Trumpet

Nincompoop is focusing on banging live performances with theatrical influences. They started up in the beginning of 2008 to participate in the annual norwegian youth culture gathering. But after this sucsessful show they agreed to continue generating braincrashing tunes and rythms.

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