>King Karl formed in the summer of 2004 in Tucson, Arizona. They were all friends first, which helps explain the quick start and early successes. The band formed by accident (like so many I suppose), John got a new computer with Garage band installed and quickly pulled his strat out of the closet. He hadn't played in several years, since the birth of his daughter and his undergrad degree he didn't seem to have the time. He quickly began recording on his computer and was so excited about the software's potential he called his brother-in-law, Mike, to come over and c… read more
>King Karl formed in the summer of 2004 in Tucson, Arizona. They were all friends first, which helps explain the quick start and early successes. The band formed by accident (like so many I suppose), John got a new computer with Garage band installed and quickly pulled his strat out of the… read more
>King Karl formed in the summer of 2004 in Tucson, Arizona. They were all friends first, which helps explain the quick start and early successes. The band formed by accident (like so many I suppose), John got a new computer with Garage band installed and quickly pulled his strat out of the closet. He hadn't played in several years, since the birth of his … read more