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Take your time, take your time
I don't mind, your time
Take your time, I don't mind
Although you never realized
Take your time, take your time
I don't mind, your time
Take your time, I don't mind
Although you never realized

That it's mutual, and I sigh
When you get possessive and I try
To stray from your loving
This is your life

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It's mutual and I sigh
When you have depression and I try
To cope with compulsions
This is my life

Take your time, take your time
I don't mind, your time
Take your time, I don't mind
Although you never realized
Take your time, take your time
I don't mind, your time
Take your time, I don't mind
Although you never realized

That it's mutual, and I sigh
When you get possessive and I try
To stray from your loving
This is your life

It's mutual and I sigh
When you have depression and I try
To cope with compulsions
This is my life

Writer(s): Manuel Walker

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