ave;new is a project that started around July 2003. Musical stylings of ave;new include j-pop, trance, denpa, and more. The unit behind ave;new has been involved in a variety of music production, some of which includes BGM. Their idea is to create music that releases the expression of the image/scene (for games). Main creator a.k.a.dRESS does the most arrangement, instrumentation, producing, lyrics, etc. Other creators of ave;new are Hidemi Nemoto (根本日出実), Miyuki Matsushita (松下美由紀), Abe Masaori. Performing staff are: Sakura Saori (佐倉紗織), used most often for her cute voice that fits… read more
ave;new is a project that started around July 2003. Musical stylings of ave;new include j-pop, trance, denpa, and more. The unit behind ave;new has been involved in a variety of music production, some of which includes BGM. Their idea is to create music that releases the expression of the ima… read more
ave;new is a project that started around July 2003. Musical stylings of ave;new include j-pop, trance, denpa, and more. The unit behind ave;new has been involved in a variety of music production, some of which includes BGM. Their idea is to create music that releases the expression of the image/scene (for games). Main creator a.k.a.dRESS does the most arrangemen… read more