
0:00 Midwest Pen Pals - Movies Like Juno
4:12 Snowing - Sam Rudich
6:32 Old Gray - Vulcan Death Grip
8:42 Dikembe - Scottie Spliffen
11:06 Oh My God Elephant - Dan Dan Dan Dan
14:12 Street Smart Cyclist - Pastor of Muppets
16:28 nouns - i feel as though ive failed
18:39 Camping in Alaska - C U In the Ballpit
23:40 Michael Cera - 2048 (interlude track, not really emo but fits the feel of the mixtape)
25:18 Marietta - Yeah Yeah, Utah
28:08 Boy Problems - I Swallowed a Bug
31:57 North Folk - Mythmaker
34:23 Foxing - Ocelot
38:53 Merchant Ships - My Journey to the Weed Den
42:07 Algernon Cadwallader - Spit Fountain
44:18 Brave Bird - Thick Skin
49:46 Chalk Talk - Wouldn't It Be Nice? (Beach Boys cover)

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