Yankee Brutal play an intense brand of melodic hardcore that sounds something like the pissed off love-child of Strung Out and No Trigger with the social consciousness of Bad Religion. Spitting venom with the best of them, Yankee Brutal bring punk rock’s fury back to the forefront, middle finger proudly displayed to the powers that be. The revolution won’t only be televised, it’ll have a soundtrack – complete with breakneck drums, whoa-ohs, and a couple of mean sounding six-strings. Yankee Brutal: www.facebook.com/yankeebrutal Dying Scene Records: DyingScene.com
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Yankee Brutal play an intense brand of melodic hardcore that sounds something like the pissed off love-child of Strung Out and No Trigger with the social consciousness of Bad Religion. Spitting venom with the best of them, Yankee Brutal bring punk rock’s fury back to the forefront, middle fin… read more
Yankee Brutal play an intense brand of melodic hardcore that sounds something like the pissed off love-child of Strung Out and No Trigger with the social consciousness of Bad Religion. Spitting venom with the best of them, Yankee Brutal bring punk rock’s fury back to the forefront, middle finger proudly displayed to the powers that be. The revolution won’t only b… read more