
Heart full of hate, nothing left to sedate me
Been in a cage for everyone's entertainment
Still your favorite problem child, born to die tragically
So repeat after me

Rest in peace to the old me
Rest in peace to motivation
Rest in peace to complacence
Rest in peace to the good ole days
You can find all that in the grave I lay in

Lyrics continue below...

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Just a goddamn people pleaser
Mr. pleased to fucking meet you
Prove to me I'm not gonna die alone
I said prove to me I'm not gonna die alone and I had them all singing
"Ha Ha Ha Ha"

Mr. let me hand you all my burdens in excruciating detail
Then leave you off whenever you're looking slight and frail

Fuck it

So what am I in love with?
Well I'm in love with being alone
Because that's the only thing I ever learned to do all on my own

What are you in love with?
Besides digging my ditch?
Tossing me into filth?
What are you in love with?
What are you in love with?

Just a goddamn people pleaser
Mr. I love you too much to tell you how I hate you

Bury me a disgrace
Next to all my mistakes
And when I'm lowered down you can spit in my face
Just a fucking waste

Writer(s): Devin Macgillivray, Trevor Grove, Andrew Jepson, Jubic Reese, Zachary Kochetta

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