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Xamanist is Sérgio Ribeiro (Serguei), a Portuguese psytrance producer born in 1977. Since childhood he has played guitar, bass, and synths, so it is no surprise that he became interested in composing electronic music after discovering trance at Boom Festival in 2000. Following this life-changing event, Sérgio joined forces with Syul to form Swan X-1. Together they performed live psytrance across Portugal until disbanding in 2007. With this experience as a foundation, Sérgio established the Xamanist project to concentrate on developing his own original style of psychedelic trance.

Xamanist aims to blend the old with the new, balancing darkness with light and melody with rhythm. Expect to hear classic Goa trance influences mixed with progressive arrangements and full-on energy, creative flow and storytelling, and a high degree of psychedelism!

Xamanist performs LIVE on guitar and synths, bringing a human touch to every show.

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