-Biography- White Empress is a female fronted metal band started in 2013. "It might have looked like smoke to those who hadn't been there…but it was steam. Steam rising from the still-wet wounds of the fallen, scattered across the fields. It mingled with the collecting dew and filled the air with a rank, pungent aroma. The smell of a new era. The Warrior stirred, managed to get to his knees, and then, pushing with an iron hand on the dank ground, to his feet. His eyes scanned the scores of dead, searching for his weapon. A smile crept across his face. Strong, victorious, h… read more
-Biography- White Empress is a female fronted metal band started in 2013. "It might have looked like smoke to those who hadn't been there…but it was steam. Steam rising from the still-wet wounds of the fallen, scattered across the fields. It mingled with the collecting dew and fille… read more
-Biography- White Empress is a female fronted metal band started in 2013. "It might have looked like smoke to those who hadn't been there…but it was steam. Steam rising from the still-wet wounds of the fallen, scattered across the fields. It mingled with the collecting dew and filled the air with a rank, pungent aroma. The smell of a new era. The Warrio… read more