
  • Years Active

    1995 – 2010 (15 years)

  • Members

    • Josef Maria Klumb (1995 – present)
    • Raymond P.

Von Thronstahl is a German band founded in 1995 by Catholic brothers Bernhard and Josef Wilhelm Maria Klumb, producing , and music. Klumb and Bernhard openly profess authoritarian ideologies in their personal views and music. Their music incorporates bombastic Wagnerian arrangements, neofolk-style acoustic guitar riffs, martial rhythms and sometimes also elements.

In 2011 Josef Klumb announced on the Von Thronstahl website that since Autumn 2010 the band is no more, but said also that there is still the possibility of a comeback someday.

The group openly distributes radical views through their music, appearances and essays, which they combine with imagery such as runes and the sigil of the black sun on album covers and during live performances.
Official website:

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